Company’s life
December 2022

Picvert, first producer of Bimi® broccoli in France

Since 2021 Picvert has been France’s first producer of Bimi®. Our recognized expertise allows us to produce this tender, handpicked vegetable throughout the year.

During the summer months Bimi® is produced in the Hauts-De-France region, at the historic Estrées-Mons site. Lors de la période hivernale c’est notre ferme au Portugal qui prend le relais. Les deux fermes sont labellisées Demain La Terre.

Green packaging

This exceptional vegetable is grown in keeping with the best environmental practices, and it benefits from French-made compostable, degradable packaging originating from sustainablly managed forests.

Introducing a superfood

Le Bimi® est issu d’un croisement naturel, en utilisant des techniques traditionnelles de sélection végétale pour développer une tige croquante mais tendre, avec une saveur noisettée légèrement sucrée.

From a health perspective, it’s a superfood rich in fibers, proteins, folic acid and vitamins A and C. Slip some Bimi® broccoli into your favorite dishes to take advantage of its delicious beneficial effects.

Bimi® can be eaten whole, without being peeled. With its quick cooking time and small size, everyday meals can become an inentive feast.

Restaurant owners love it, as do families, because its mild flavor and ease of preparation win over all ages, big and small. Tasting it means loving it! Tasting it means loving it!

Still new in France

Bimi® broccoli, launched in the early 2000s in the United Kingdom, has become highly popular, with 21,000 t produced in 2020 and 20% growth in volume per year. In Europe, 14 countries market the vegetable. The volume growth rate stands at+43% between 2020 and 2021 in France.
The trend is only just beginning. Picvert is proud to promote this innovative offer.

Discovery day with the press

Our two Vincents: left to right, our ex-apprentice now in charge of Bimi® broccoli development and our sales manager. Bimi® discovery session at our Picvert farm production site in Picardy, on 16 June 2022.

After information and key figures concerning the product were presented, the next stops were packaging and the fields. This crop requires lots of tender loving care. Skilled labor is required, with special techniques necessary to maintain constant, high-quality production.

A planting workshop completes the demonstration.

The moment arrives for the tasting, with a start-to-finish Bimi® menu dreamed up by a local restaurateur. Who’d have ever thought of eating a Bimi® tatin?

On this menu, it’s Bimi® all the way!

Highlighted at Cora and Auchan

Throughout 2022, product highlights with sales events/tastings took place in several supermarkets.

Distributors, take note! Hurry up and catch this train – it’s high-speed!

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An in-house microbiology lab Meet our new recruit, Vincent Carpentier